2017考研英语阅读翻译 杭州解除新能源汽车限行

gong2022 2022-09-28 09:45:07 0

摘要:  ??本文老师带大家一起阅读2016年4月5日的一篇关于新能源汽车的英语新闻,众所周知,中国的环境正受到严重的破坏,国家正在努力改善环境,发展新能源是改善环境的一个重要举措。环境...


  Hangzhou lifts plate restrictions on new energy cars


Hangzhou in East China has lifted restrictions to put more green cars on the road. The policy goes into effect on Tuesday. It's part of the country's initiative to clean up the air and encourage the industry to come up with more green



New energy cars can travel anywhere in Hangzhou, at any time.


There's no limit on purchases, and plates are issued as soon as the deal is finished.


The policy is expected to benefit Chinese and international carmakers.


"We've sold 400 new energy cars from January to March. The policy is promoting the sales," said Ni Hanjian, manager of Hangzhou Hengdi Car Sales Co.

“从一月份到三月份,我们已经卖出400辆新能源汽车,这项政策促进了销量。”杭州 Hengdi汽车销售公司的经理Ni Hanjian说。

Potential buyers are also drawn to the green technology by cash handouts from the central and local governments, which could make up a maximum 60 percent of one car's price.



"Many friends also chose new energy cars and hybrid vehicles, because we don't have to wait for the plate lottery."


"I think new energy cars are good for our convenience and for the environment."


Promoting new energy vehicles is challenging. So far, most of the ones on the streets are taxis and public buses.


Price is the barrier for most people. New energy vehicles are generally 30 percent more expensive than conventional cars. And the need for charging stations -- and the lack of -- rules out long road trips.


"We've built 3300 charging stations in public places, and we'll build another 2500 this year," said Zheng Rongxin, deputy director of Hangzhou

Economic Information Committee.

杭州经济信息委员会的代理主任Zheng Rongxin说:“我们在公共地点已经建立了3300座充电站,今年还将建立2500座。”

The inconvenience is seen as business opportunities for companies offering car-hailing and rental services.


"Rental service is a business model that promotes the construction of charging stations and ensures they are fully used. We could get payment from offering related services," said Xu Guopeng, CEO of Yiyizuche.com.

Yiyizuche.com 的总裁Xu Guopeng表示:“租车服务这种商业模式,促进了充电站的建设,而且确保充电站完全被使用,我们可以通过提供相关的服务获得报酬。”

The central government has set a target of putting five million electric cars on the road by 2020. Car makers and governments in East China have been considering setting up a network for standardized charging services. If the measures succeed, China's green road revolution may be just on the horizon.




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