
gong2022 2022-10-08 14:43:13 0

摘要:  ??本文the front line of: the place or the area of activity where important, interesting, or difficult things are happening:



Those f...

??本文the front line of: the place or the area of activity where important, interesting, or difficult things are happening:



Those foundersfought forspecial ownership rights that kept them in control of their companies — a change from the past, when entrepreneurs were often replaced by more experienced executives or pressured to sell.


1.fight for: to try hard to do or get something



For millennia, many animals and plants have coped with occasional climate changes by moving into new areas. But humans’ relatively recent burning of fossil fuels is pushing global temperatures upward at an exceptionally rapid rate, placing many species on what a new book by science journalist Benjamin von Brackel notes has been called an “escalatorto extinction”—and raising the question of whether migration can save them this time.


It is estimated that land-dwelling animals are now moving towardthe polesat a rate of an average of about 17 kilometers (more than 10 miles) per decade and that thefrontline of ocean dwellers is now doing so at a rate of 72 kilometers (45 miles) per decade. Some plant and animal species—such as the Edith’s checkerspot butterfly and the Scotspine—are shifting to higher, cooler elevations in the mountains as well. What happens when they all run out of places to flee the heat?


The species that are not able to move and to conquer new places, they have a high risk of becoming extinct—that’s it. Right now many species can move poleward. Inlatitudeslike Europe or North America, species are expanding, so they can have new ranges. But the problem is in the tropics. There you have tropical mountains, where we now see the first species becoming extinct because they are at some point at thesummit, so they can’t move anywhere. It’s a dead end.


Probably the people most affected by species shifts are Indigenous people, and that’s because they live close to nature, and many of them depend on specific animals or plants. Many of them have circled their whole culture around just one species—like the Inupiat in Alaska, who hunt bowhead whales. Bowhead whales now migrate much farther north. That’s a big problem for the Inupiat. Everything is changing,

and they can’t easily adapt by choosing another species as their main species.


The thing that’s different today is us. First of all, we have occupied so many places on Earth—about half the surface of Earth—with agricultural land and cities. And we also crisscrossed the land with streets and canals. That makes it very hard for many species to move to respond to climate change.


本文节选自:Scientific American(科学美国人)



1. escalator


n. 自动扶梯,电动扶梯

2. front


n. 前面; (战争的)前线,前方; 方面,领域; (非法或秘密活动的)掩护物,幌子; (大片冷暖空气相交形成的)锋

adj. 前面的,

正面的; 起掩护作用的

v. 在……担任领唱; 主持(广播或电视节目); (建筑物,土地)面向



n. 松树; 松木;松(用于其他科针叶类树木名称中); 有松针香味

v. (因死亡、离别) 难过,悲伤; 苦苦思念; 渴望,苦苦盼望(尤指不太可能拥有的东西)

4. latitude


n. 纬度; 纬度地区; 选择的自由,回旋余地; (感光乳剂,相纸)曝光宽容度



n. (政府间的)首脑会议,峰会; 顶峰; (成就的)顶点,最高点; 最高阶层

adj. 最高级的,政府首脑的

v. 登上(顶峰)


1.the poles 两极


That makes it very hard for many species to move to respond to climate change.

结构: That makes it very hard for many species to respond to ….


例句: That makes it very hard for many species to respond to the high temperature environments.





?? END ??




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