
gong2022 2022-08-25 22:42:38 0

摘要:  ??Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark you a...

??Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark you answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. We have already purchased ____ to furnish our new house.

A. many furnitures

B. some furniture

C. several furniture

D. a few furnitures


【解析】句意:咱们已为新屋子买了几件家具。furniture为不成数名词,而some,several,a few都只能润饰可数名词,以是A、C、D毛病。some既可润饰可数名词,也可润饰不成数名词。

2. ____ they are doing has never been done before.

A. Which

B. What

C. That

D. Whether


【解析】句意:他们做的事变是史无前例的。what暗示“……的工具或事变”,如They’ve done what they can to help her. 他们已极力(做了能做的事变)帮忙她。that在名词性从句中不作成份。本题的主语从句中较着缺宾语,以是不消that。

3. The newly-built factory is supplied with ____ machines.

A. plenty of

B. many a

C. a great deal of

D. a large amount of


【解析】句意:这个新建的工场配备有大量呆板。plenty of既可润饰可数名词,也可润饰不成数名词。以是可以润饰machines。many a跟可数名词单数,暗示很多……。a great deal of和a large amount of都只能润饰不成数名词。

4. If I ____ to learn more French now, I would not have bought this French-Chinese dictionary yesterday.

A. didn’t need

B. hadn’t needed

C. hasn’t needed

D. shouldn’t need


【解析】句意:若是对付我来讲没有再继续进修法语的需要的话,我昨天就不成能买这本法汉辞书了。本句是对曩昔的虚拟,从句用had done情势。

5. ____ children, most senior people find it difficult imitating sounds of a second language.

A. Not like

B. Unlike

C. Being not

D. Not as



6. We haven’t seen the Browns for over a week. They may ____ on a trip for the vacation.

A. be gone

B. be going

C. have gone

D. have been going


【解析】句意:咱们已有跨越一周时候没有见过布朗他们一家人了。他们可能去度假了。may have done暗示可能做了某事。

7. Mr. Dick has spent ____ collecting materials for his dissertation.

A. one and half months

B. half and one months

C. a month and half

D. a month and a half


【解析】句意:迪克花了一个半月时候采集论文所需质料。一个半在英语里表达为one and half,不克不及更调位置。通常一个以上的数目,不管是一个半或一个零四分之一,后面名词一律都用其复数情势。

8. The time ____ you can travel freely in Europe with only one visa has finally come true.

A. in which

B. on which

C. at which

D. of which


【解析】句意:以一张签证自由在欧洲观光的时辰终究到来了。time一般与介词at搭配,故选at which。

9. The professor demanded that his students ____ the composition in 40 minutes.

A. finished writing

B. finish writing

C. must finish writing

D. wrote





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