2016考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章 要钱还是要命

gong2022 2022-12-26 06:43:50 0

摘要:  Your money or your life


The knives are out for Whitehall's mightiestdepartment


TONY BLAIR once kidnapped a civil serv...

Your money or your life


The knives are out for Whitehall's mightiestdepartment


TONY BLAIR once kidnapped a civil servant. It was2005 and the then primeminister, who was heading to EU budget talks in Luxembourg,needed an economicexpert. So he purloined a Treasury official. The reluctant bureaucrat waslaterdumped in Paris without passport or money, recalls Jonathan Powell, a formeradviser, inhis book “The New Machiavelli”. Oddly, the man “just wanted ourassurance that we wouldn'ttell the Treasury that he had been travelling withus.” If the news got out, his career could haveended.


The tale illustrates the potency of Britain's finance ministry, which haslong wielded more powerthan its international counterparts—or, it sometimesseems, the prime minister's office. In thepost-war years the Treasury was a hubfor Keynesian demand

management. Under MargaretThatcher it became the engineroom of a monetarist revolution. It commandeered social policyduring Mr Blair'sadministration. Now it oversees austerity, the lodestar of thecoalitiongovernment.


Yet a report published on September 4th, “The Destruction of HM Treasury”,says Whitehall'sleviathan should count its days. The two authors know theirstuff. Stian Westlake directs policyat the National Endowment for Science,Technology and the Arts, a charity taken seriously byTreasury types. GilesWilkes was an adviser to Vince Cable, the business secretary.



Mr Westlake and Mr Wilkes argue that the rhythm of twice-yearly financialstatements, in thebudget and the autumn statement, makes the Treasury short-termin outlook and prone toheadline-grabbing wheezes. Moreover, all three mainparties have embraced the interventionist“sector strategies” championed byMichael Heseltine on the right and Lord Adonis on the left.Because the Treasurydetests that sort of economic meddling, politicians have it in their sights.Thedepartment's functions might, the authors suggest, be distributed to an expandedprimeminister's office, a stronger business department and a dedicated financeministry.


A plan to dismantle the Treasury was pitched to—and well received by—seniorLabour figures ata private seminar last winter. Shadow cabinet ministers talkeagerly about the idea, though inthe ruling Conservative and Liberal Democratparties it is more a niche interest.


Even if any of this comes to pass, however, the Treasury's mandarins willremember thatgovernments have tried to trim their wings before. Harold Wilson'sLabour government set upa new Department of Economic Affairs to rival theTreasury. It too was supposed toconcentrate on long-term planning, and it toowas created partly for political reasons, toappease the ambitions of GeorgeBrown, the perpetually tired and emotional deputy leader ofthe party. TheTreasury fought it, and won. Brown moved to the Foreign Office and theupstartdepartment was unceremoniously closed down in 1969. The lesson? Neverunderestimate thepower, and self-interest, of the Treasury.


1.head to 引至,通到

例句:I let the horse drop his head to crop the springgrass.


2.break up 分手;打碎;分裂

例句:Rubber bullets were used to break up thedemonstration.


3.prone to 易于;倾向于

例句:As they shorten, cells become more prone to disease and death.


4.set up 建立;设立;创立

例句:The city police set up roadblocks to check passing vehicles.



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