2021年考研英语二阅读理解 text1解析(太原新东方)

gong2022 2022-12-24 10:43:57 0

摘要:  2021考研初试12月26~27日进行,2021考研初试情况(点击查看》》2021考研初试真题及答案解析专题),第一时间为考生提供考研真题答案及答案解析内容,同时考研考研教师将为考生提供...


Text 1

Reskilling is something that sounds like a buzzword but is actually arequirement if we plan to have a future where a lot of would-be workers do notget left behind.We know we are moving into a period where the jobs in demandwill change rapidly, as will the requirements of the jobs that remain. Researchby the WEF detailed in the Harvard Business Review, finds that on average 42 percent of the “core skill” within job roles will change by 2022. That is a veryshort timeline, so we can only imagine what the changes will be further in thefuture.

The question of who should pay for reskilling is a thorny one. Forindividual companies, the temptation is always to let go of workers whose skillsare no longer demand and replace them with those whose skills are. That does notalways happen. AT&T is often given as the gold standard of a company whodecided to do a massive reskilling program rather than go with a fire-and-hirestrategy ultimately retraining 18,000 employees. Prepandemic, other companiesincluding Amazon and Disney had also pledged to create their own plans. When theskills mismatch is in the broader economy though, the focus usually turns togovernment to handle. Efforts in Canada and elsewhere have been arguably languidat best, and have given us a situation where we frequently hear of employersbegging for workers even at times and in regions where unemployment is high.

With the pandemic, unemployment is very high indeed. In February, at 3.5per cent and 5.5 per cent respectively, unemployment rates in Canada and theUnited States were at generational lows and worker shortages were everywhere. Asof May, those rates had spiked up to 13.3 per cent and 13.7 per cent, andalthough many worker shortages had disappeared, not all had done so. In themedical field, to take an obvious example, the pandemic meant that there werestill clear shortages of doctors, nurses and other

medical personnel.

Of course, it is not like you can take an unemployed waiter and train himto be doctor in few weeks, no matter who pays for it. But even if you cannotclose that gap, maybe you can close others, and doing so would be to the benefitof all concerned. That seems to be the case in Sweden, where the pandemickick-started a retraining program where business as well as government had arole.

Reskilling in this

way would be challenging in a North American context.You can easily imagine a chorus of "you can’t do that" because teachers ornurses or whoever have special skills, and using any support staff who has beenquickly trained is bound to end in disaster. Maybe. Or maybe it is somethingthat can work well in Sweden, with its history of co-operation between business,labour and government, but not in North America where our history is verydifferent. Then again, maybe it is akin to wartime, when extraordinary thingstake place, but it is business as usual after the fact. And yet, as in war thepandemic is teaching us that many things, including rapid reskilling, can bedone if there is a will to do them. In any case, Swedens’ work force is now moreskilled, in more things, and more flexible than it was before.

Of course, reskilling programs, whether for pandemic needs or thepostpandemic world, are expensive and at a time when everyone’s budgets are leanthis may not be the time to implement them. Then again, extending income supportprograms to get us through the next months is expensive, too, to say nothing ofthe cost of having a swath of long-term unemployed in the POST-COVID years Giventhat, perhaps we should think hard about whether the pandemic can jump-start usto a place where reskilling becomes much more than a buzzword.

21. Research by the World Economic Forum suggests

A. an increase in full-time employment

B. an urgent demand for new job skills

C. a steady growth of job opportunities

D. a controversy about the “core skills”

22. AT&T is cited to show

A. an alternative to the fire-and-hire strategy

B. an immediate need for government support

C. the importance of staff appraisal standards

D. the characteristics of reskilling program

23. Efforts to resolve the skills mismatch in Canada

A. have driven uplabour costs

B. have proved to be inconsistent

C. have met with fierce opposition

D. have appeared to be insufficient

24. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that there was

A. a call for policy adjustment.

B. a change in hiring practices.

C. a lack of medical workers.

D. a sign of economic recovery.

25. Scandinavian Airlines decided to

A. Great job vacancies for the unemployed.

B. Prepare their laid-off workers for other jobs.

C. Retrain their cabin staff for better services.

D. finance their staff' s college education.


21. 本题的题干是 “Research by the World Economic Forumsuggests”,大意为“世界经济论坛的研究表明了什么”,定位到第二段第二句,“Research by the WEF detailed in theHarvard Business Review, finds that on average 42 per cent of the “core skill”within job roles will change by2022.”大意为“世界经济论坛的研究详细发表在哈佛商业评论上,它发现了到2022年,平均百分之四十二的职业核心技术将会改变。”这一句描述了世界经济论坛的发现,短时间内很大一部分核心职业技术会发生变化,意味着对于新的职业技术的需求是很急迫的,正确选项为B.an urgent demand for new job skills.

22. 本体的题干是 “AT&T is cited toshow…”,问引用AT&T的例子是为了表明什么,定位到第二段第二句“AT&T is often given as the goldstandard of a company who decided to do a massive reskilling program rather thango with a fire-and-hire strategy ultimately retraining 18,000 employees.”大意是:“对于决心做大规模恢复工作而不是采用解雇雇佣策略从而最终保留了18000名员工的公司来说,AT&T通常被视作黄金标准。”这句话引用AT&T不采用雇佣裁员策略的例子,为了表明的观点应该在上一句“That does not always happen.”“That”指代的是第二段第二句中所描述的 “the temptation is always to let go of workers whoseskills are no longer demand and replace them with those whose skills are.”私人公司会解雇技术未达到需求的员工,换来技术有用的员工,即解雇雇佣政策。接着第三句表明这并不总是发生。观点即为:不是所有公司采用解雇雇佣政策。AT&T是一个例子,他们采用了大规模恢复工作作为雇佣解雇政策的替代品。正确答案是A.an alternative to the fire-and-hire strategy,解雇雇用政策以外的其他选择。

23. 本题题干为 “Efforts to resolve the skills mismatch in Canada”问的是“为了解决加拿大的技术不匹配所做出的努力”结果如何。定位到第二段第五第六句,第五句提到了 “skillsmismatch”,但没有提到在加拿大做出的努力,第六句“Efforts in Canada and elsewhere have been arguablylanguid at best, and have given us a situation where we frequently hear ofemployers begging for workers even at times and in regions where unemployment ishigh.”大意是“加拿大以及其他地方的努力最多能被称为是乏善可陈,我们经常听说,在就业率低的时期和地方雇主都很难找到员工。”说明在加拿大做出的解决技术不匹配问题做出的努力没有达到理想的效果。正确答案是“D.have appeared to be insufficient” 似乎并不充分。

24. 本题题干为 “We can learn from Paragraph 3 that there was”,大意为“我们能从第三段中得知…存在”。定位到第三段,大意为“因为流行传染病,失业率当然会非常高,二月,加拿大的失业率达到了3.5%,美国5.5%,创世代新低,与此同时到处存在着员工短缺的情况。到五月失业率甚至高达13.3%和13.7%,尽管有一些员工短缺问题得到解决,这问题依然存在。医疗行业是一个明显的例子,流行传染病意味着医生护士和其他医护工作者都很短缺。”这一段最后一句描述了医疗工作者的短缺,正确答案是“C. a lack of medical workers.”。

25. 本题题干为“Scandinavian Airlines decided to”,大意为“北欧航空决定…”。定位到第五段:“Scandinavian Airlines decided to start up a short retaining program thatreskilled the laid-off workers to support the hospital staff.”大意为:“北欧航空决定开启一个短期保留项目,意在重新培训失业人员扶持医院工作人员。”正确答案是“B. Prepare their laid-offworkers for other jobs.” 意为:帮助他们的失业人员为其他工作(医院工作者)做好准备。


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