
gong2022 2022-09-17 05:43:12 0

摘要:  2023考研英语科目中,不少考生认为作文难度比力大。考生该若何筹备考研英语作文呢?建议大师可以多参考优异的范文、句型、写作技能等,经由过程不竭的操练和堆集,收成一份得意的...




What should we do to release/fix the problem?

Are there any reco妹妹endations to solve the problem?

How to cure the pressing situation?

What should we do at present? The answer is that all hands are required to(solve the pressing problem/improve the situation.




The local officials should resort to the law to regulate ( environmentalconservation ) . Besides, the central government is not supposed to hand a blankcheck to the local and should be partially involved in (curbing the localtainted environment).


Our government should resort to the law to regulate ( the standard ofproduct quality ) and shall listen to public opinions and demands whenformulating laws, regulations and policies relating to (quality of product)


Our government should not sugarcoat(cover) the problem but listen to publicopinions and demands when formulating laws, regulations and policies relating to(09-收集远近the Internet) and

try to juggle ( the use of network and the supervision on it/ control overit )

try to balance between (the use of network and the control over it)


Our colleges are supposed to provide training and course for students tolearn how to juggle (03宠爱孩子their physical development and psychologicalmaturity/ 13选择 their study at school and internship outside the campus/offcampus) on campus


Student Union should start/kick off campaign, both inside and outside thecampus(both on and off campus), to educate people that ( 06追星--chasing idolduring the youth should be properly handled by their parents. )


Media can broadcast less co妹妹ercials and more public serviceadvertisements.

to promote the awareness of



Our young generation should turn to our student supervisors and parents forreco妹妹endations about

how to (balance between internship and academy for their futurecareer.)

how to promote their awareness of …

how to strengthen their belief that …


We should take part into the campaign to promote the awareness of … andfulfill our accountability as a member of our co妹妹unity.


No matter how much fund that our government would put into (the recovery oftainted region), we will never see (a clean sky or breath fresh air) if effortof the young generation were absent. Although not financially independent, ourcollege students must be doing everything we can to fulfill our duty to takepart into the improvement of our co妹妹unity.


With efforts from all walks of life, it is certain that the situation wouldget improved soon.

3、正向文章行文思绪 (踊跃提倡):

( Confidence ) is partially the driving force behind the evolution/growthof our society. And all hands are supposed to join together to ( foster people’sconfidence ).



The mass media should exert more positive energy, such as being confidence,to the public so that people would react more positively to difficulties andadversities.

(2)教诲 education

Education, affects people’s attitude and reaction to the world. Thus, moraleducation should be enhanced and concentrated on juveniles and kids before theyenter their adulthood. Specifically,self-discipline and code of social conductshould be written in books and carefully discussed in class.

(3)黉舍 college

College is where

undergraduates obtain knowledge and skills to enhancetheir academic performance and where students get their personality and code ofsocial conduct improved as well. Thus, moral course of moral education should beprovided as elective curriculums to college students.

curriculum 校内课程

extra curriculum课外勾当

electives n选修课 elective curriculums



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