
gong2022 2022-10-07 08:43:13 0

摘要:  ??46. It was also, and this is unknown even to many people well read about the period, a battle between those who made codes and those who broke them.


??46. It was also, and this is unknown even to many people well read about the period, a battle between those who made codes and those who broke them.


1 本句句型特殊罕见:a battle between those who made codes and those who broke them 原本应该紧接这It was also, 但作者故意将这部分放到句末,旨在突出强调this is unknown to many people well read about the period. 【考点1 特殊句型成分识别与还原】

2 第一个代词It 指代的是本段第一句的struggle(斗争)或者依据上下文翻译为“战争”。【考点2 代词需要还原】

3 well read (well-read)adj.:having gained a lot of knowledge by reading博学的;博览群书的,这里well read 做people的后置定语。【考点3 后置定语的识别与翻译】

参考译文: 此外,半岛战争也是一场加密人与破译人之间的斗争,而即便是许多熟谙这段历史的人都未曾耳闻。

47 It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain, and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters.


1 It指代前面的appendix(附录)【考点1 代词还原】

2 the French army of Spain在西班牙的法军

3 one George Scovell一个名叫乔治·斯科威尔(George Scovell)的人【考点2 人名翻译(音译+英语原文);人名需要翻译,如果单单照抄原文而不翻译,要扣分】

4 many documents in code 后面先接一个以that引导的定语从句,又接一个以whose secrets引导的定语从句,两个定语从句直接用and连接。第一个that引导的定语从句较短,采用前置译法;第二个whose引导的定语从句较长,且在从句中又有一个同位语an officer in British headquarters,考虑采用定语从句后置译法翻译。【考点3 双重定语从句识别及翻译(定语从句前置译法+后置译法),以及同位语的翻译】

参考译文: 附录列出了许多缴获的西班牙法军加密文件,英军总部有一个名叫乔治·斯科威尔(George Scovell)的军官,他通过工作参透了这些文件的秘密。

48 he could not analyze carefully what this obscure officer may or may not have contributed to that great struggle between nations or indeed tell us anything much about the man himself.


1 obscure:不知名的

2 great struggle between nations:英法战争。nations 依据上下文指代英国与法国。

3 句子成分方面,what引导的名词性从句到句尾himself,整体做analyze的宾语。

参考译文: 奥曼无法就这位无名军官对英法战争具体做了哪些贡献进行深入分析,也无法向读者交代斯科威尔他本人的任何情况。

49 There may have been many spies and intelligence officers during the Napoleonic Wars, but it is usually extremely difficult to find the material they actually provided or worked on.


1 spies and intelligence officers 间谍和情报工作人员

2 work on: work on (something) : to be in the process of making (something), doing (something), etc.做(某事);从事

The director is working on a new movie. 这位导演正在拍一部新电影。

3 句子成分方面,they actually provided or worked on 为material的定语从句。


参考译文: 拿破仑战争时期可能有许多间谍和情报人员,但要找出这些人真正提供的材料或他们研究的材料,通常十分困难。

50 Just as the code breaking has its wider relevance in the struggle for Spain, so his attempts to make his way up the promotion ladder speak volumes about British society.


1 句型方面 just as....so...正如……一样,

2 relevance 重要性,意义

3 the struggle for Spain 为了西班牙而进行的斗争;援助西班牙的斗争;(实质就是)半岛战争

4 speaks volumes about: 清楚表明;详尽说明;充分说明;If something such as an action speaks volumes about a person or thing,

it gives you a lot of information about them.

参考译文: 密码破译工作在援助西班牙的战争中影响深远,同样,斯科威尔发奋图强,在仕途上步步高升,也充分反映了英国当时的社会情况。


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